Monday, March 14, 2011

Through It All

A couple of years ago I captured this image of a crocus peeking through the snow in late March.  Along with the daily news, it reminds me that life is filled with challenges and struggles.  Sometimes it rains on our parade or snows on our crocus that is trying to tell us that spring is here and another season of our journey is beginning.  I'm thinking that the crocus made it through, not so much because of its dogged determination, but because God wired it to do so in the early days of spring even if there's still snow on the ground.  And me thinks that God wired us humans to trust in a power greater than ourselves.  We function best when we trust in God for today, and for all of our tomorrows, no matter what the struggle we are currently facing.       

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Be Still And Know That I Am God

Usually by this time of the year most of us are tired of winter and ready for it to be over with already. We're tired of the cold short days and long nights. Tired of reading books, eating soup and being couped up. We're ready to be outside more, we're longing for spring to set us free of the winter blues. However, there's nothing like a trip to the snow covered mountains in the dead of winter. The air is fresh and clean and the vistas are breathtaking. The solitude and the majesty of the mountains, for me has a calming and refreshing affect on my soul. No wonder the psalmist says that God is our rock, our high mountain. When we go to God, our high mountain we can gain a better, a higher perspective. When we go to God our rock, we can find a refuge for our soul. For in the presence of the holy, we are made whole as the gentle breeze of the Spirit speaks peace and comfort to our soul. Be still and know that I am God....that's sometimes hard to do in our busy life filled with so many voices screaming out to get our attention, so many things that need to be done. And yet, that's God's daily invitation to us! The majestic mountain of God's goodness and grace whispers to us, ever inviting us to view life from a higher plain and to know God's peace in the midst of life's busyness and heartaches.