Monday, January 16, 2012

The Friend of Sinners

I don’t know who deserves the credit for it, but I came across what I think is a beautiful definition of a friend.  “A friend is someone who reaches out to touch your hand and they touch your heart.”  Isn’t that great?  I hope we all have some friends like that, and are a friend like that to others.  Those who touch our hearts with their kind words and thoughtful actions make life richer and fuller.  Life at times can seem as cold and barren as a winter landscape.  Thank God for friends who warm our hearts with their presence, they’re like a cup of hot chocolate for the weary soul on a spiritually frigid day.  That’s why I’m so glad Jesus was called the friend of sinners.  The religious leaders, who called Jesus this, thought they were giving him the greatest of all insults.  How little did they realize they were communicating the best news possible to this world of sinners, like you and me!