Monday, July 11, 2011

No Crystal Ball

In our backyard we have what is called a gazing ball or reflecting ball.  As you can see from the photo, it does a fairly good job of reflecting its surroundings.  It’s not a crystal ball that one can gaze into and predict or see the future.  Unfortunately some use the scriptures in this way.  The most recent example of this is the guy who predicted that the rapture would take place last May.  It didn’t.  He also thinks the scriptures predict that the end of the world will happen in October.  I think one of the main functions of the scriptures is to show us what God is like.  The scriptures tell us the good news of God’s unending, relentless love.  A love that will never fail, but wins  in the end as God makes all things new.  God doesn’t give us all the details as to how God’s going to pull it off, nor does God give us the dates as to when it will happen.  However, God does ask us to have faith in him for all of our days, the good days as well as the bad ones.  I think that being a follower of Christ is being like a reflecting ball.   Reflecting the graces of God in all of life’s circumstances and the surroundings we find ourselves in.  Admittedly, that’s a lot harder to do then simply predicting gloom and doom.  To reflect the life of God’s Spirit, we must allow our hearts to continue to be close to God’s heart.  Amazingly, as we continue to gaze upon the goodness of God, the hope that reverberates throughout the scriptures steals its way into our hearts.  In Christ we have something far greater than a crystal ball.