Sunday, June 5, 2011

God’s Marvelous Work In Progress

A couple of years ago I got the idea of building a waterfall and fish pond in our backyard.  The photos above show the beginning stages and the finished project.  Even now when I look at the photo of the early stages of our backyard paradise, (that’s what my daughter calls it) it’s hard to believe that it once looked so raw and undone.  That picture reminds me of what God is doing in each life, in spite of the fact that we and others may look very rough and far from God’s blueprint for our lives.  We have the promise and the hope that the God who created us and began a good work in us will bring it to completion.  If I’m faithful to complete the projects I start, (at least this one) how much more can we trust God with ourselves, our loved ones….yes, and even with the whole world!