Saturday, April 30, 2011

Come Sit A Spell

It’s good to get alone and think.  To get away from all the artificial noise of the world, the radio, TV, and the sounds of the city.  To listen to the sounds and rhythm of nature, like the gobble of a wild turkey, or the honking of the geese as they fly over and the chatter of the birds.  Life can be so busy that we don’t take the time to connect with the core of who we are, and more importantly, whose we are.  The lone bench in this photo is an invitation to sit a spell and allow ourselves to be spellbound by the wonder and grandeur of creation all around us, that is so easy to take for granted or hardly even notice in the hustle and bustle of work and life.  As we do, I think we may very well rediscover what the Psalmist discovered hundreds of years ago.  And that is, we are never truly alone, in our thoughts or otherwise.  For we can never escape the wonder and grandeur of God’s benevolent care for us.  Though at times the waves of anxiousness and fear seem to wash over our souls and threaten to capsize our hope, we really are never alone, for the cry of our thoughts and our hearts are not hid to God.  Yes, it’s good to sit a spell and remind ourselves, it is well with our soul.