Monday, November 7, 2011

The Mystery of Life

This is a picture I took of a home along the bay in Prospect Harbor, Maine.  The house is shrouded in the morning fog, giving it a ghostly or mystic appearance.  When I look at this picture, I’m wondering what is there that I can’t fully see.  It invites me to unravel its mysteries.  I’m reminded that God’s ways are often unclear to us as well.  The apostle Paul said that now we see as through a dark glass.  It’s true, there are a lot of things about God and about life we don’t fully understand.  For example; if God is good, and God is in control (sovereign) of our world, why all the pain and suffering?  Human nature being what it is we don’t always appreciate mystery and things we can’t completely comprehend or explain.  We want to know the answers to life’s complex and conflicting questions.  The older I get, the more I admire the mystery of life and of God.  For life and God are not merely problems to be figured out, but an invitation to live, and to be enveloped in the ongoing revelation of God’s love for us and our world.