Friday, October 7, 2011

The Son Makes The Difference

This is a nondescript lighthouse on Winter Island, Salem, MA.  It’s next to old Fort Pickering.  It has a bit of history, because it’s been there for a long time.  But, as far as lighthouses go, it would never make the top ten in beauty or majesty.  I doubt that it would even make the top 100.  It’s too short.  It’s not on a high rocky cliff.  It doesn’t have a house next to it.  It’s kind of plain and nondescript like I said.  However; in this photo, I think it looks absolutely stunning.  Why? Because the sun is setting and it cast its magical colors on the lighthouse and the clouds behind it.  It looks gorgeous because of its relationship to the setting sun.  Wow, isn’t it the same way with us?  Most of us will never make the top ten or ten thousand in beauty, brains or majesty.  We are not a Steve Jobs or a Demi Moore.  But we must never underestimate the wonder and beauty that God’s love and grace cast upon our lives.  Because of our relationship to the Son, God is able to do some amazing things through us!