Monday, November 28, 2011

Ducks In A Row

Sorry, but when I see this picture I can’t help but think of how we like to have all of our ducks in a row.  Of course, what that means is everything’s on schedule, and going according to our hopes and plans.  When life happens that way we feel blessed.  When our plans fall apart or are not on schedule, we may feel cursed, confused, or frustrated.  We may wonder why God has stopped blessing us.  Is it because we have sinned?  Is it because we are not following God’s will?  Or could it be that life and God’s blessings are not about having our ducks all in a row?  Maybe these ducks are happy and content not because they’re in a row, but because of who they are swimming with.  I think it’s the same for us.  God is swimming with us in life even when things are topsy-turvy, and that is a wonderful blessing.  And who knows, maybe if we will be more aware of God’s presence with us we’ll be less apt to quack under the pressures of life.  That’s what I’m hoping for.