Sunday, April 10, 2011

Blowing In The Wind

When you see this picture of a dandelion going to seed it may conjure up all kinds of thoughts, memories and emotions.  Like recalling stories of those who actually eat dandelion greens, I think I’ll pass on that one, thank you.  It could also stir up memories of an uncle or grandfather who made dandelion wine.  I’ve never made or tasted dandelion wine myself, but I’ve heard a lot of folks whine about dandelions, does that count?  Which brings me to what I’m guessing is the thought that’s upper most in our minds when we see a picture of a dandelion going to seed.  We hope the dandelion is not in our neighbor’s yard, with the wind blowing in our direction.  The fluffy white head of a dandelion is filled with hundreds of seeds, waiting for the wind to carry them wherever the wind will, so they can reproduce dandelion life wherever they go.  Interestingly enough, Jesus said that those who are born of God’s Spirit are like the wind.  Our lives are carried along by the wind of God’s Spirit and in the process we are seeding God’s life and love through our lives, through our words and through our actions.  A smile.  A hug.  A word of encouragement.  Grace and forgiveness offered.  Help freely and cheerfully given.  In all of this and more…puff…the wind of God’s Spirit blows through our lives, planting hope and God’s love in the hearts and lives of others.  I’m thinking that it’s a good thing when Christians go to seed, for in this way the love and life of God are reproduced in others!  I know that’s how it happened for me, and is still happening.  So the answer my friend is not blowing in the wind….we are blowing in the wind…            


  1. Thanks David. I appreciate you so much! Norm

  2. Wow! That's all - wow. Your writing comes straight from your heart. That's what makes it so powerful. I so look forward to each new posting.
