What isn’t there to like about the 4th of July? A day off from work with pay:) Fireworks. Watermelon, corn on the cob and grilled hamburgers or in my case, smoked babyback ribs. With all the festivities it’s easy to forget that a lot of people paid the ultimate price for us to have this holiday and the freedoms we enjoy and often take for granted. Like they say, freedom is never really free! I am grateful for the men and women both past and present who have risked their lives, to secure and keep the freedoms and liberties we have as a nation. In our pledge of allegiance we promise to be one nation, indivisible, with justice and liberty for all. However, when we look at the political landscape (especially as we approach an election year) it seems that there is a lot that divides us. Just as watermelon on the 4th of July and apple pie are a slice of Americana, my hope and prayer is that as a nation we may continue to be a beacon of hope and opportunity, where justice and liberty for all is not just a pledge, but remains as an enduring slice of Americana as well.
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