Friday, October 14, 2011

Rainy Days

When I was a teenager in the early 70s, the Carpenters came out with a hit song entitled; “Rainy Days and Mondays”.  Part of the lyrics to the song are; “rainy days and Mondays, always get me down”.  I’ve been thinking about that song because, for the last two days we have been in Washington D.C. visiting and touring the city, it’s been cloudy and rainy…thank God for umbrellas.  The above picture is a photo I took from the high hill on which the Arlington house sets in Arlington National Cemetery.  From this vantage point you have a spectacular view of the city.  In the photo, the Lincoln Memorial is on the far left. The Washington Moment is almost in the center.  Just to the right of it can be seen the Capitol building.  The Jefferson Memorial is to the far right in the picture.  However; what really makes this picture meaningful to me, is that in the foreground at the bottom of the hill you can see some of the grave stones of the brave men and women who gave their lives for their country and for the sake of freedom.  Rainy days of all kinds can indeed dampen our spirits, but when we think about the courage and sacrifice that so many have made and are making, it can’t help but  inspire us as well.  Maybe that’s why at the heart of the Christian faith is a service of remembrance….do this in remembrance of me.         

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