Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Portland Head Lighthouse

It was a windy, foggy and cloudy morning when we visited Portland Head Lighthouse in Portland, Maine.  The foghorn sounded periodically as it warned approaching boats and ships that the rocky shore was near, even if they couldn’t see it yet because of the fog.  Wouldn’t it be great if we had a foghorn for the soul that would warn us when we’re about to enter into treacherous waters?  I think we do, but it’s not a loud blaring horn.  It’s the unspoken voice of our conscience and also the nudging of the Holy Spirit.  The two are not the same; our conscience is developed over the years, based on what we believe and what our life experiences have taught us.  As followers of Christ, God has given us the Holy Spirit to teach us and to help us navigate through life.  Not just so we can avoid shipwrecking our souls, but so we can experience living life as God’s beloved children.  We were told that the Portland Head Lighthouse is the most picturesque and photographed lighthouse in America.  I don’t know about that, but I know that living loved helps one to see life differently!    

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