Sunday, March 11, 2012

Love Never Fails

This picture of a house in York Beach, Maine is not our summer home.  Our home is a bit more modest.  Recently we redid the office/piano/grandchildren’s playroom.  Patched all the cracks, retextured the ceiling, repainted the walls and put up new blinds and drapes. Redoing a room is not one of my favorite things to do, so maybe that’s why I put it off as long as I did.  But, I’m down right pleased with how it turned out.  It looks like a totally different room.  So why did I wait so long? Sometimes we might wonder what’s taking God so long in restoring our broken world.  I don’t know the answer.  Maybe it’s because God has chosen to make us active participants in what God is doing on earth, and sometimes we’re a bit slow and don’t always cooperate with what God is doing.  However; time is on God’s side and God has assured us that love (God is love) never fails.  Maybe that’s why I was so slow in starting the project of redoing the room, I didn’t want to fail.  And quite frankly I’m surprised how well it turned out…oh me of little faith.  I can’t begin to imagine how excited God must be about God’s restoration project, because God can’t fail.  No wonder Jesus said that all things are possible with God.  The more we hang around with God the more of God’s possibilities become a part of who we are as God’s children.  Wow, all this talk of restoration and possibilities almost makes me want to put on my tool belt and tackle another room, almost...maybe this fall or maybe next year…..  

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