Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Bleeding Hearts

My hope is that today and in all of our tomorrows we will sense our Heavenly Father embracing us and holding us close to His heart.  Of course He holds us close to His heart every day, because we are IN His heart.  Even though this is true, a lot of the time we are unaware of our Heavenly Father's embrace and the great love and care that he has for us.  So my hope, my prayer is that God will grant us the grace to sense and to feel His embrace that envelops us always!  We may feel it in the gentle hug of a family member or dear friend.  We may sense it in the joy and excitement of life we see in our children or grandchildren.  We may even sense it in the wonder and beauty of nature as it springs forth in response to the love and care of its Creator.  May we also feel it in the drop of every tear we shed, be they tears of sorrow and sadness or tears of joy, for it is our Heavenly Father who is gentling holding our heart and crying with us!

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