Monday, May 7, 2012

Loving God’s Variety

One of the small pleasures in life for me is sitting on my back patio and enjoying nature.  As I look at the beauty all around me, I’m convinced that God is not only very creative, but that God loves uniqueness and variety.  My wife has many different kinds of flowers in our yard and no rose bush is the same.  She has red roses, yellow roses, pink roses, multicolored roses, big roses, and petite roses.  In our backyard we have all kinds of birds, from the common sparrow to blue jays, black birds, cardinals, finch, robins, Baltimore orioles, redhead woodpeckers and many other kinds of birds.  So it’s a good thing that we are different and unique in our own special way.  That’s the way God made us.  Each of us reflect a bit of God’s glory, because we are created in God’s image.  Therefore; to appreciate our gifts and the unique persons that we are, is to give thanks and praise to God.  Wouldn’t it be kind of weird for a cardinal to spend its days wishing it was more like a Baltimore oriole, instead of living in its special cardinalness?  May God grant us the grace each day to fly with the gifts and abilities that God has given us!         

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